Stephen Lea, Birmingham, UK

The OLT course was extremely enjoyable and it maintained my interest throughout. I was able to learn and participate at a rate that suited my ability and (more importantly) my lifestyle. The course became an integral part of my day and it became as natural to participate as to switch on the TV. By being a student on this course I now have a much better understanding and appreciation of the hopes and fears of my own students who are now using this medium for the first time. I want to be able to provide the same excellent level of tutor support for them as was provided for me by Abacus.

Using FirstClass in my area of work will not necessarily mean cheaper training but it has enabled me to design, develop and deliver a different and better quality learning experience for my students. They have a bigger buy in to the training as they are able to work together and support each other over a longer period of time, and despite being geographically distant from each other. Teaching and learning this way helps to reinforce the traditional methods and also opens new doors to enable both teacher and students get the most out of each other.

Thinking back on it, as a natural born "active pragmatist" I have benefitted greatly from the "reflective" experience and would recommend it to all "active pragmatists".

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